Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Is your ministry mediocre? Is your leadership development program so-so?

Remember this axiom: You can do nothing badly, and still do nothing well.

With the demands on our time; with the constant juggling between work, family, and recreation, I think we often find ourselves doing only what we have to in order to get by.

While there is nothing necessarily sinful in this, I think we can honestly agree that God has called us to be the best we can be at what He has called us to do. Mediocrity doesn’t cut it.

As we teach our leadership students, one of the things we need to impart is to do the best job they can in any given situation. If we work as unto the Lord, and God demands our best, than mediocrity cannot be tolerated.

This is a hard lesson to learn, and all sorts of other lessons can be tied up into it; such as time management, planning, work ethic, and stewardship. In the end, many times it comes down to how you model work in your own ministry. Your students, especially your leadership students, are going to pick up very quickly on your work habits.

Strive to be the best at what you do, and many times your students will follow you in that practice. Overburden yourself and start to dip into mediocrity, and you can also be assured that your students will see that as well.

Training Tomorrow’s Leaders Today,


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