Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolutions Part 1

Resolutions can be so cliché. Most of the time they’re gone and forgotten within a week. But with the New Year here, I suppose it’s time to take a stab at them once again.

What’s Your New Year’s resolution? Have you thought about it yet? Have you set them yet?

I have a couple that I’d like to share with you, and maybe even suggest to you. The New Year is a good time to start down a couple of roads that you’ve wanted to for a while, but have just been too busy to start. It’s also a good time to plan, and take stock of who you are and what you’re doing.

With that, here’s the first of 3 resolutions that are on my list for 2010.

Resolution 1: Strengthen my leadership skills

One of the things that has always bugged me is the wealth of information on leadership in the marketplace and how little of it gets back to the consumer. That’s one of the problems with the information overload that the internet is providing us with right now.

There are some amazing resources to explore your leadership out there, and I plan on taking advantage of them this year. I want to strengthen my leadership with as much knowledge and resources as I can, to be the best leader I can be in the coming years. I am deliberately setting aside time to explore my leadership style, my strengths, my learning styles, and my personality type. I am taking a lot of time to explore what Jesus said a leader was and become that leader.

Why is this important: Leadership is an art. It is a skill. It has to be practiced and developed. And, because I want to be the best that I can be. I want to be everything that God has made me to be. I want to be the best leader that I can be for those who follow me.

This New Year, I'm making it a priority to strengthen who I am as a leader. I hope you do, too.
Here's a couple of the books that I'm going to use this year.  Give them a shot and see how they work for you.

Question: What resources are you using to strengthen your leadership?

Training Tomorrow’s Leaders Today,


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