So, my second New Year’s resolution ties in with my first, but it’s a lot more work.
Resolution 2: Share leadership with others.
I don’t mean delegate (although I need to learn to do that better, as well). What I mean is that I’m going to actively seek to build leadership principles and practice with other people this year, namely teenagers. You may not be in to teaching teenagers, but if you’re honest with yourself, you probably know someone who needs to be taken under your wing and shown the ropes.
Teaching leadership can take several forms, and each person, depending on how deep they want to go and how much time they are willing to devote to leadership development, will take a different road. Here’s how I resolve to teach leadership this year:
Mentoring: This is a more one-on-one experience, where just you and another person or a small group sit down and discuss leadership. This is a very intimate way to pass on leadership to someone else. I currently mentor one individual and plan on taking on one or two more this year
Group Teaching: A leadership development team or class can teach leadership principles to a larger group of people. While this tends to still be very personal, it is not as personal as mentoring. This type of platform is good for imparting basic leadership tenants and being part of an overall leadership program. I currently have a leadership team, but plan to expand it this year and deepen the teaching.
Conferences and Seminar Teaching: This type of teaching is good at reaching many people at once, and while you can learn a lot of great stuff, it’s not very personal (although it is a great place to make lots of new contacts that can become more personal). My organization, Next In Line Ministries, plans to do several seminars this year.
As you can see, there’s lots of ways that you can pass your leadership knowledge on. You don’t have to be speaking at seminars to make a difference. You don’t have to Mentor 20 different people to make a difference.
This New Year, resolve to pass on your leadership knowledge, even if it’s to one other person.
Question: How are you passing on your leadership knowledge?
Training Tomorrow’s Leaders Today,
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